Stiri/evenimente 26 noiembrie 2009

Cateva stiri tehnologice citite te mine

  • Cum functioneaza Chrome Os si un filmulet interesant de 11 minute (link)
  • Poti testa noua interfata Google Search (link)
  • pe langa extensiile interesante descoperite de mine am descoperit si una noua numita Aviary(link)
  • Microsoft incearca sa fure continutul de ziare de la Google in continuare (link)
  • In Italia 4 directori de la Google sunt pasibili de inchisoare conform unor procurori din aceasta tara(link)

Ce stiri ai gasit tu azi interesante?

P.S: Nu ma intereseaza ca Base a plesnit un copil…

Citeste si:  Google insights

Un comentariu

  1. An individual of my favored items about blogging is this community of bloggers. We aren’t cut-throat. We share successes and miseries. And when anything operates, we really don’t hold it to ourselves – we want it to perform for everyone. I really like blogging and wish that it becomes full-time one particular day, but I love the understanding and growing (the journey) and am an extremely patient man.

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